
105th Sheffield (High Green) Scout Group operates in accordance with the following policies.

105th Scout Group Policies

The following policies have been put in place by the group, and have been approved by the Group’s Trustee Board.

Scout Association Adopted Polices

Where a Group policy is not in place, we adopt the polices of the UK national Scout Association, where by we operate under POR (Policy Organisation Rules) www.scouts.org.uk/por and policies found at https://www.scouts.org.uk/about-us/policy/

Adoption of the Scout Association Policies includes, but is not limited to adoption of the following items:

Constitution – We adopt the Scout Associations Constitution as detailed within POR (Policy Organisation and Rules) section 5.4 https://www.scouts.org.uk/por/5-local-governance-and-finance-of-groups-districts-counties/#5.4

Safeguarding Policy – We adopt the Scout Associations Safeguarding policy on the protection of members (children & adults) as detailed within POR (Policy Organisation and Rules) section 2.4 https://www.scouts.org.uk/por/2-key-policies/#2.4