We give #SkillsForLife!

We change lives by offering 4 to 14-year-olds fun and challenging activities, unique experiences, everyday adventure and skills for life.

We are the 105th Sheffield (High Green) Scout Group, part of the UK’s biggest mixed youth organisation.

Scouts helps children and young adults reach their full potential. We help young people to get jobs, save lives and even change the world.

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- Do you know an outstanding volunteer group making a real difference in your local community?

- Then why not nominate them for a King’s Award for Voluntary Service!

- Nominating is easy and consists of 5 simple steps.⤵️

🌟Nominate at http://kavs.dcms.gov.uk

So great to hear from new UK Chief Scout @DwayneFields as he talks about his mission to inspire a new generation of Scouts with #SkillsForLife. https://www.scouts.org.uk/volunteer/

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We’re very pleased to hear this news and offer our congratulations. It was a pleasure to meet Dwayne when he opened our new HQ recently 😃We’re excited to announce Dwayne Fields, adventurer and TV presenter, as the UK’s new Chief Scout. Dwayne's been appointed to lead our half a million young people and adult volunteers for his values, commitment to help young people, and outstanding leadership qualities. During his time as Chief Scout, Dwayne aims to inspire even more young people and adult volunteers to join from all backgrounds. Read more at www.scouts.org.uk/news/2024/september/dwayne-fields-becomes-new-uk-chief-scout/ ... See MoreSee Less
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New Headquarters Project

Amazing news for young people in High Green. In 2023 we were awarded a life-changing £1.8 million Youth Investment Fund grant, from The Department for Digital Culture, Media and Sport to build a new Scout Headquarters building, enabling us to boost our Youth Service & reach more young people, creating safe spaces and new opportunities to enhance their health, skills & wellbeing.

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We’re Growing Places… To make more opportunities for Young People to get Skills for Life, we are expanding our volunteer team too. Great opportunities for you to get involved and learn as well!

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Calling all tea makers, activity planners, tidy-uppers and helpers for as little or as much time as you can spare. 

Week by week, our volunteers empower young people to learn new skills for life, make new friends and stand on their own two feet. They’re our everyday heroes. They shape young people’s lives for the better, and find out a whole lot about themselves in the process, too.

Sounds fun? Worthwhile? It is.

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